
Sunday, April 12, 2009

Care2X as Integrated Hospital Information System Freeware

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CAR2X is an Integrated Hospital Information System.

Care2x integrates data, functions and workflows in a healthcare environment. It is currently composed of four major components. Each of these components can also function individually.

  • HIS - Hospital/Healthservice Information System
  • PM - Practice (GP) management
  • CDS - Central Data Server
  • HXP - Health Xchange Protocol
    PHP,mySQL,PostgreSQL. Surgery, Nursing,Outpatient,Wards,Labs, Pharmacy, Security,Admission,Schedulers, Repair, Communication & more. Multilanguage, WYSIWYG forms, userconfig, embedded workbots. Modular & scalable.

  • Open source software for hospitals and health care organizations designed to integrate the different information systems existing in these organizations into one single system. CARE2x solves the problems inherent in a network of multiple programs that are noncompatible with each other. It can integrate almost any type of services, systems, departments, clinic, processes, data, communication, etc. that exist in a hospital.

    Functions include:
    • telephone directory;
    • admission system;
    • patient documentation;
    • duty planner;
    • nursing ward administration;
    • operating room documentation;
    • laboratory exam management;
    • radiology film editor;
    • pharmaceutical products order system;
    • medical depot;
    • electronic data processing;
    • email;
    • and more.

    Versions include English, German, Indonesian, Italian, and Brazilian-Portuguese.

    Care2x HIS is a smart software for hospitals and health care organizations. It is designed to integrate the different information systems existing in these organizations into one single efficient system.

    Care2x HIS solves the problems inherent in a network of multiple programs that are noncompatible with each other. It can integrate almost any type of services, systems, departments, clinic, processes, data, communication, etc. that exist in a hospital. Its design can even handle non-medical services or functions like security, maintenance, etc. It is modular and highly scalable.

    Care2x HIS uses a standard SQL database format for storing and retrieving data. The use of a single data format solves the problem of data redundancy. When configured accordingly, it can support multiple database configuration to enhance data security and integrity.

    It is a web based software and all its functions can be accessed with a common web browser thus there is no need for a special user interface software. All program modules are processed on the server side. Module updates and extensions do not require changes on the browsers thus there are no network interruptions and downtimes. Its design supports multiple server configuration to distribute traffic and improve speed and efficiency.

    Care2x HIS is an open source development (OSD) project and distributed with a "GNU General Public License". Its source code is freely-distributed and available to the general public.

    To see a functioning application of Care2x HIS, go to Online HIS - a virtual hospital using Care2x HIS as its system (username = demo , password = demo).

    Sample Application

    (Virtual HIS) is based on a real existing hospital operating in Stuttgart, Germany.
    The icon signals that a barcode scanner is supported.

    Main menu:



    Standard intranet browsable pages for the hospital presenting general information, news, etc. Online editing with WYSIWYG editor.


    Registration of person's basic personal data (demographics). This module stores and processes personal data for all persons not just patients. Display of past and current EMR records. Scheduling new appointment, PDF document, etc.


    Display of appointments according to date, department or clinician involved. Scheduling new appointment.


    Patient admission system with search and archive functions. Barcoded labels and wristbands. Edit and display of current EMR records. Creation of sickness/incapacity certification, PDF document, charts folder, test request scheduler, etc.


    Outpatient module with waiting list, pending request processor and admission list.


    A text based documentation system for both inpatient and outpatient departments, patients' medical history, etc. This is the replacement to an aging proprietary software.


    Duty planner for physicians and surgeons among others. Quick view.


    Nursing wards administration, patient bed planner, patient data monitoring, nurse planner, appointment scheduler, patient search, documentation, patient data folders, test request scheduler, on-duty doctor quickview, lab test results, DRG documentation, photo documentation, etc.


    Operating Room. Documenting surgical operations (surgery, anesthesia, nursing, material, medicines, etc.), OR duty planner, search and archive functions, international ICD and OPS documentation systems, surgical operation planner, DRG intra/post op diagnosis/procedures documentation, etc.

    Tech support

    Technical support and maintenance. Reporting damage and requesting repairs. Info query system. Automatic signalling for reception of queries and requests. Documentation of technical jobs. Information system.


    Entering and displaying laboratory examination results for patients. Pending tasks processor. Currently, the blood bank, medical/serological, pathological, bacteriological laboratories are functional.


    Search and display of x-ray/DICOM films with integrated editor and reader of diagnostics results. Dicom viewer and file uploader.


    Ordering of phamaceutical products. Organizing quick order catalogs. Pharmacy database management. Automatic signalling of reception of orders. Product search and archive functions.

    Medical depot

    Central depot for medical products and other materials. Ordering system. Organizing quick order catalogs. Product database management. Automatic signalling of reception of orders. Product search and archive functions. Product search and archive functions.


    Telephone directory of the hospital with functions for search and entering new phone information.


    Electronic data processing department. This is accessible only with SystemAdmin rights. Access rights management, database server administration, configuration functions, etc.

    Intranet email

    Database based mail system for internal communication. The communication protocol is intentionally non-standard to prevent standard mail programs from accessing the mail data.

    Internet email

    Email system using standard internet mail protocols. Can be used to send or receive mails from the internet if allowed by the network.


    Special tools and functions. Document editor modules, address/plugin/personnel managers, duty planner, news editor and submission system, color options configurator, access password manager, photolab, integrated intracam surveilance system, among many others.


    Allows automatic loading of the user's personal preferences or the computer's particular configuration. Logging in gives the computer an identity which facilitates many automation features, otherwise the server will assume default values.

    Language selector

    The application is now available in several languages: Arabic, Bahasa Indonesia, Brazilian, Bulgarian, Czech, Chinese-simplified, German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Vietnamese, Serbian, Bosnian, Farsi.
    English and German language versions are 100% complete. Though not all language versions are 100% complete.

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